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Saturday, January 18, 2014

How to increase the speed of charging of an iPhone?

Do you owe a smartphone?? Oops wrong question, I mean that’s so stupid of me to ask out anyone whether they owe a SMARTPHONE or not because generally everyone does.
Well did you hear the great and most buzzing news about the launch of APPLE.Inc’s new iPhone5c and iPhone5s? Really they are awesome. If not than check them out. :P
Well the iPhone term reminds me of why I am here i.e. for writing upon something which will bring a feel-good smile on your faces especially the iPhone users. Yes, today I am going to pour something about how can you improve or increase your rate of charging for your iPhone.

We all keep on making usual verdicts complaining about the smartphone’s short battery life. We do numerous tasks with our smartphones such as surfing internet, playing games, listening to songs, watching videos and so on…!! And these all tasks drain your battery within no time. And so now what we urge for the most is to increase the rate of our charging which makes us both impatient and irritated at times.
So now let me start with the tips of how you can do the same. So the tips and tricks part begins right from this very point.
iPhone Charging

1.) Just switch off your iPhone:

It is suggested and recommended by few evidence that your iPhone will charge at a higher rate then ON condition. It is because turning it off will not use any further power to run your system and thus the power cut times gets down to zero.
If you find this option a bit less convenient then you can turn your handset mode into the “Airplane Mode” i.e. by navigating to settings menu. This will prevent your phone from looking for any availability of WiFi signals and thus your consumption level decreases significantly leading thus to increase in rate. And if you are really wanting your phone to charge faster then at least try not to access it during its charging period, you can just lock your screen through sleep/wake option lying on the top right of your handset ultimately helping your phone to get a break.

2.) Prefer using a Wall Charger – Always:

Your iPhone will charge fastest from a power outlet, rather than via a USB port. Apple’s official advice “for the quickest charge” is to “connect the device to a power outlet using the USB cable that came with the device and an Apple USB power adapter.”
This recommendation is not by me but from the apple company itself. Oh yes, Apple’s official advice asserts that “If you want the charging to be the quickest then always prefer connecting your device to a power outlet which comes along with the device itself and an Apple USB power adapter.” I think this option is much more convenient.

3.) Maintain the coolness of your device:

Well before plunging straight towards the point let me give this point a little bit of scientific approach infact a physics touch. A fact reveals that the battery’s ability to hold the charge is directly and significantly proportional to the extreme temperature levels.
On this apple again says presenting its statement that “The heat degrades your battery’s performance the most so it is advices not to let your iPhone come into direct contact of sun or a hot car (including the glove box)”.
There are certain possibilities of few substances or materials like covers and cases which trap the heat which can create a problem. If you want to see the difference than you can find that by charging your phone kept in a case and second time by removing that case prior to charging.
Also the official advice states to keep your iPhone as near to room temperature i.e. 22 degrees Centigrade or 72 degrees Fahrenheit, as possible.

4.) What if only USB chargers?

Well I know that this question aroused while I mentioned the second point but I thought to mention your doubt separately. There are and will be times when your only option you can go with is USB charging, so how will you increase the “rate-factor” there?
Is that expression of worry still there? :P oh common there are always solutions to any problem. For this problem you can speed up your charging by removing all the other USB devices connected because they also draw power and removing them will prevent that. Also do not sync your iPhone simultaneously.
One more common thing is that do not turn your mode of computer to “HIBERNATE” or “STAND-BY” while fueling up your phone because doing this actually stops your handset’s power and thus stops the charging process at times.

5.) Do you maintain your battery?

If your answer is yes to my above question then my second question will be whether you maintain it in a correct manner? Well, on the maintenance factor Apple advices its iPhone customers that “For a proper maintenance of a lithium-based battery, it’s important to keep the electrons in it moving occasionally. Be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).”
Does that sound too technical or scientific? Then let me make it a bit easy for you. It says that as the batteries of iPhone are lithium based you are advised to practice one thing i.e. you must once charge the phone up-to 100% and drain its battery till it becomes 0%. This will make your iPhone work in a healthy way.


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